
Wednesday, November 20, 2013


As salam....

Weekend lepas adalah weekend yang sangat busy. Ada 2 event hari anugerah cemerlang ie. SKSU and Omar Zuhdi. SKSU buat hari Sabtu pagi and OZ buat hari Ahad ptg. Masa dapat surat for both event, adalah moment yang I paling happy. Both surat dapat on the same day which was on last Monday masa amik diorg kt Taska. Before tu dah tau dah Kakak dapat no 2 dalam kelas dia. Memula no 2 share dgn sorang budak ni. Pehtu cakap no 3 plak so aku assume maybe markah budak tu revisedla kot. Anyway takpela still aku bangga. Aku dokla tertunggu2 surat dari sekolah untuk jemputan event tu xjugak dapat. Akhirnya Isnin tu barula dapat. Yang bestnya, dapat jugak surat dari OZ yang mengatakan kakak dapat no 3 periksa KAFA dia tu. That was bonus sbb aku tak target apa2 pon untuk KAFA tu. Last semester she got no 5. Then, bile dia beritahu markah Tajwid die 56%...errr...tu pasal tak sangka plak die leh dapat no 3 kan. Pagi2 lagi dah terpacak kat SKSU konon nk dapat tempat yang paling cun. (Mengalahkan orang anak UPSR plak dah...) Perasaan bangga tu xleh nk diceritakan. Its not about hoverr ke ape anak ko baru darjah 1 gaya lebeih2 plak. No its not that. Aku rasa mana2 parents pon kalau anak dia achieve apa2 pon mesti akan bangga no matter how small it is. And dah mmg style belaja kt Msia ni confirm2 ade periksa so semua org nak score yang terbaik. Aku tak aim apa2 mase aku ajar dia during cuti tu, aku just nak aim dia masuk kelas Amanah which is the 1st kelas. Diorg akan susun kelas based on exam final. Bagi aku, die duduk kelas Amanah tu pon dah ok so that die akan compete highly dalam tu. Tup2...die dapat no 2 and also ranking 7th untuk aliran darjah 1. ten for total of 496 std 1 students? Aku dulu pon xmcm tuh ok perform. Paling tinggi pon no 8 dlm kelas...dhtu plak next sem jatuh no 21..hek elehhh....ok..xnak citer byk..layan gambar2 di bawah ye.

Cantik theme dia English Garden gitu...

7th in aliran

Tgh queue for top 20

2nd in kelas 1 Budi

7th in aliran. Cantik pulak jalan di kelilingi bunge2 nie

Dengan Jibril (anak kakak aku darjah 2)

Dengan bff Khadija. diorg ni bff mase zaman Qdees lagi. Suke tgk khadija ni sweet je...

Ni dekat Omar Zuhdi plak. With Safiya (pon anak kakak aku darjah 4)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Progress Kitchen #2 - plastering

Sambung progress yang kedua pulak. Kali ni semua dah plaster untuk bahagian dapur.

Lantai dan dinding dah siap plaster
Ni bumbung sebelum pintu dapur
Tempat w/machine

Pandangan dari dry yard ke kitchen

Wet kitchen

ni nak letak oven

bumbung dry kitchen

pandangan belakang dapur

sliding door ke dry kitchen

sliding door jugak

tuh je kot updates....nnt gua updates kay.... :P

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Progress Kitchen #1 - batu bata

Ok... Ari ni aku nak citer pasal dapur aku. Asal rumah aku ni dapur dia memangla kecik. Kecik pada aku maybe pada orang lain dah cukop beso. Yela, family aku pon kire besar (ke sederhana) so aku kenala plan dapur aku tuh nanti just nice je nak pakai sampaila aku dah pencen. Kire dah xpayah2 nak renovate2 bagai ni lagi. Maybe just add on sana sini jela nanti. Dulu, masa aku baru pindah rumah aku yang sekarang ni aku rase dah cukop beso dah dapur aku tu. Masa tuh anak sorang rasa cm nak rumah yang comel2 je kan. Skang ni..amik menyampah pulak tengok dapur aku yg tersangat open. Open maksud aku orang datang teros leh nampak aku masak cekodok kan. kali ni aku dah decide nak dapur yang kire privacy bile aku masak. Privacy tuh maksudnya bile orang datang takdela org tuh nampak ape yang aku tengah prepare kan. Kire surprise gitu. Tengok2 teh O dengan kopok leko. muahahahaa....

Reason aku renovate rumah ni pon sebab nak besarkan dapur je pon. Nak ada 2 wet kitchen and dry kitchen kekdahnye. So, aku extend jela dapur aku tuh kebelakang and ke tepi rumah aku tuh sikit. Kire dapur aku ni total is lebey kurang 27 X 12 gitu. Giler besar xcukop besar tu xtaula. (ni kalau tak masak mmg nak kene sekeh...hahaha). Aku takde gambar asal dapur aku, nak kene carik. Nanti dah ade aku share ok.

Ni pandangan wet kitchen aku dari dry kitchen. Kire panjang ke hujung sane. Hujung sekali ialah stor and dry yard.

Ni pintu stor aku

Ni dinding dry yard yang mengadap jiran. Tinggi ko. Ade reason kenapa tinggi and rupe bumbung tuh macam tuh. Patut dry yard pakai je bumbung awning biasa kan. Tp nnt korang tgk hasilnye.

Ha ni pandangan belakang dapur aku tuh camana. Ko tgk antara rumah aku n jiran belakang mmg pagar sambung ye. Patut salu kan ade jalan belakang kan. Tp rumah aku ni mmg sambung pagar dgn org belakang. Bagus in a way boleh elak org ceroboh kot belakang rumah yang xbagusnye bile aku nk renovate dapur xlehla smpi hujung pagar tu. kenala ade basi dalam 4 kaki so rumah tak terlalu rapat dgn org belakang. Nama pon berjiran kan kenela give n take.

Ni bumbung dry kitchen aku plak

Ni tingkap asal rumah aku. Kire aku sambung dr tepi tingkap niela untuk dry kitchen tu

Pandangan luar untuk dry kitchen. Haaa..ko tgk ade lagik dinding tinggi....hehee rumah aku ni mmg suke dinding tinggi2 nie...KO tgk nanti design pagar aku cemana plak.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lagi Updates

As salam....

Giler lame tak update blog. Camno nak kayo cm blogger2 lain. hehehe. (ade hati tu...) Anyway, I'm still here. Alya dah standard 1. Myra dah 5 yo and Muadz 1 and 8 months old. Cepat jugak yer mase berlalu. Br bace post before this yg sakit pinggang sbb angkat Muadz yg baru 3 months. Now dah nk masuk 2 yo dah. On Breastfeeding status, yes I'm still breasfeeding him cuma skang nie I dah xbuat stok. I pam sekali jer kat opis and to up dgn stok. Bekalkan 2 botol jer kat nursery. Satu botol yang I pam satu botol dr stok. Stok I rase end of this month habisla. Pasnie jus continue bagi apa yg I pam jela kan. So far, rase puas ati la dapat bf Muadz selama nie. Walaupon byk pancarobanye kan.(eh...ko ingat senang ke bf???) Berbaloi jugakla segala duit yg keluar utk pam, freezer, botol etc. Duit aku mmg tak keluarla untuk beli susu formula. Mahal ok satu tin kalau below 1yo tu dalam 90++ kan. Itu utk seminggu. Kalau sebulan? Ha kirela sendiri. So those yg baru kaween n plan nak dapat anak better bf your child utk penjimatan berganda.hehehe

Tu je nak update. I nak solat pehtu 5.30 chow on the dotttt....esok I update yerrr...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stress Week

I know dah lame I tak update blog nie. Why suddenly hari nie tetiba rase nak update. OK MD is now in Perth for 1 week. So, to make life easier (ade ke term tu..) I decided to stay in a hotel near my office and also near to Muadz's nursery. Reason?? Pepagi I bole terpacak by 7.30 kt nursery Muadz tu and then shoot ke SU untuk hantar Alya and Myra to Qdees and drive back to office. So, I would reach office paling2 pon 9.15 am. Kalau dah masuk lambat tuh xkanla nak balik 5.30 kan? So, tenghari i fetch AlyaMyra and park sekejap nursery kt bawah ofis i nie. RM30/child for half day. But, due to hari tu I kene gastric attack, my parents volunteer untuk fetch the kids and send them kat lobby hotel. From Monday until yesterday, I was on MC. So, today lepas I tapau MCD I tunggu kat lobby for them. Then terus naik bilik lunch dengan diorg. I beli nuggets for them and cheeseburger for me. Kakak saw the burger and asked sapa punyer. I cakap makanla...die pon makan. Sampai separuh then die ckp kenyang. Lepas I setel baju2 diorg utk nursery, I pon makan. Kakak cakap dia saje tinggalkan separuh burger tuh utk I. Terkedu I..I cakap kakak makanla...mama kenyang. Then, kakak amik makan. Dia tanye mama makan apa. I cakap takpela pandai2la mama beli nanti. Sebak hati nie bila your 6yo daughter dah start considering others. Then, I terus hantar diorg kt nursery. Hampeh tol orang nursery tu macam terpinga2 plak dah. Padahal I dah ckp dekat Ms Tian tu. So ade aunty tu amik diorg tanye susu, baju etc so I drop kan my number and left. Tetiba hati rasa tak sedap. Tak tahu kenapa. Mungkin sebab nursery tuh teramat asing bagi diorg and some more non muslim. I hanya drop until 6 pm then I turun amik diorg and terus pegi bilik mandi etc and kuar balik utk fetch Muadz.

I tahu AlyaMyra both independent tapi ntah kenapa hati nie rasa bersalah sangat. Kalau tak kerana cuti dah takde, I would apply 1 week leave senang xyah pening2. Lagipon this week last week of school so I taknak Kakak miss the last moments dengan her kindy friends and teachers. Siap buat kad untuk all the teachers. Next year, she will be in Standard 1. I rasa I cam xpuas main dgn kakak. Maybe masa tuh I ada maid so byk masa kakak habis dengan maid. Lepas tuh dah ada adik (I conceived masa kakak 11/2yo). Gastric I macam dh ok. Dah takde pening2,loya2 and mabuk. (ngalahkan orang peknen plak dah...) However, The stress week will not ends here cause MD will be away another week to Dubai early December pulak dah. Tak tahu plan macammana plak masa tu. Sekali fikir rasa nak berenti duduk rumah je. Tapi bile 3-4 kali fikir takde pulak duit extra untuk pegi bercuti atau beli apa2 yg bebudak nak kan. Some more, benefit on medical is on me as MD is a freelancer so takdela medical benefit. Teruk jugak nak bayau puluh2 hinggit setiap kali pegi klinik. Kalau ada insurans kad company tuh bulela save duit utk beli lipstick ke....(eh???)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blogging again???


After setahun lebey barula I jenguk this blog balik...hahaha...cepatnyer masa berlalu. OK taknak cerita panjang2 now our family dah bertambah sorang lagik and its a boy. Born on 25th June 2011 (khadeeja was on 28th June). Putera yang dinanti2kan. Muadz Imran Mohd Khairi. hehe. Well I did made a wish masa kat depan Kaabah 2 years ago that Allah grant us a son and Alhamdulillah it happened. And now he is 3 and 1/2 months old and I'm still breasfeeding him exclusively. To date I have stored 100+ EBM for him. Learnt as lesson during Khadeeja's time where I only managed to breastfed her up to 4 months due to lack of knowledge.

Actually now I on MC for 2 weeks. Why??? I ada backpain. It happened last Saturday masa nak siap2 ke SJMC untuk cucuk Muadz. When I nak angkat Muadz from the bed suddenly zappp kat belakang I. So sakit I can't even walk. I menangis time tu and MD suggest to go to hospital. So we called SJMC and booked time with Dr Lim Boon Peng. So dengan takde maidnye and I was so in pain all of us masuk dalam kereta and shoot to SJMC. To catch there before 1 pm as Saturday they opened until 1 pm only. So MD drove until the passenger area and I keluar myself and asked the guard to wheel me to 7th floor. Have to be on my ownla kan since MD akan park kereta and to handle kids lagik. So after 2 hours baru dapat jumpa Dr and he was testing on me whether I kene slip disc or not. Luckily it was just muscle stress ja and he was giving me 2 weeks of MC to recover. Since I'm breastfeeding, the dr could not give any medicine except pain killers and gel and plaster to apply on the pain area.

So here I am reason why I'm blogging again. Actually I dah recover sikit2. Dah boleh berjalan and cuma ade certain position je yg I akan rasa sakit. But still I xbule dukung little Muadz sambil berdiri kecuali duduk. Still rasa trauma and takut same thing happen. And little Muadz pon dah 6.5kg ok. OKla..penat juga menaip nie...till then see ya...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Passion

Yess...that is the topic for today.

I've been thinking for quite sometimes. I want to explore the other side of me. Well, means other than this current job, I need to give some space to myself to learn about something else. That's when I decided to join chocolate's class. It may not be the only class I would join, there are other things that I want to learn and explore.

So, it started on 17th April, I went to Bukit Jelutong to learn about chocolates. Rase naif giler masa tu. Ape couverter, compound, ganache tuh..ape tamper..mold and all sort of vocabs yg nak kena ingat. So, bile balik tuh I tunjuk to my kids, diorg excited gile expecially kakak. Unfortunately, I pegi class tuh after kakak's birthday, kalau tak boleh jugak I buat something homemade utk dihantar to her school.

So, on the next week, I carik barang2 dulu, cukopkan sume stock then baru bule start. So, on 2 of may is my first on trial. I decided to buat fashionista set sbb kakak and adik sure suke kaler2 tuh kan. Really menguji kesabaran tapi I did enjoyed myself. Habis jugakla chocolates tuh dimakan oleh kakak and adik. For the past few days, I dok memborong barang2 chocolate je...dari emulco, flavor, kotak2 etc. I aim nak buat something special for my mom for mother's day this Sunday. I plan nak buat couverter chocolate (chocolate grade A). Nanti I post the pictures.

So, as for now, enjoy the pictures kay: