
Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Passion

Yess...that is the topic for today.

I've been thinking for quite sometimes. I want to explore the other side of me. Well, means other than this current job, I need to give some space to myself to learn about something else. That's when I decided to join chocolate's class. It may not be the only class I would join, there are other things that I want to learn and explore.

So, it started on 17th April, I went to Bukit Jelutong to learn about chocolates. Rase naif giler masa tu. Ape couverter, compound, ganache tuh..ape tamper..mold and all sort of vocabs yg nak kena ingat. So, bile balik tuh I tunjuk to my kids, diorg excited gile expecially kakak. Unfortunately, I pegi class tuh after kakak's birthday, kalau tak boleh jugak I buat something homemade utk dihantar to her school.

So, on the next week, I carik barang2 dulu, cukopkan sume stock then baru bule start. So, on 2 of may is my first on trial. I decided to buat fashionista set sbb kakak and adik sure suke kaler2 tuh kan. Really menguji kesabaran tapi I did enjoyed myself. Habis jugakla chocolates tuh dimakan oleh kakak and adik. For the past few days, I dok memborong barang2 chocolate je...dari emulco, flavor, kotak2 etc. I aim nak buat something special for my mom for mother's day this Sunday. I plan nak buat couverter chocolate (chocolate grade A). Nanti I post the pictures.

So, as for now, enjoy the pictures kay:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Wow...lamenyer tak update since mid March...hehe...well I'm new blogger okay..give some space..:)
Here are some updates on what happened for the past few weeks.

14 April was Nafeesa's 4th birthday. Actually we were suppose to celebrate together with our vacation but seems it has to be postponed, then me and MD decided to take half day that day since kakak will be at school in the morning so no point of taking leave, might as well save for the year end plans. :) So...where we headed?? We went to OU gyms for kids and surprisingly since it was weekdays, so mmg 2-3 family jer kat situ...they ruled the place of course...Later, in the evening, we headed to cakes shop at my place to pick up cake for the Q-dees (forgot, earlier I've already picked up Secret Recipe cake with alphabatical fondants for our own celebration). Then, we bought the balloons for the cake cutting ceremony at home. During cake cutting, xbley tahan tgk adik yg keep her eyes on the smarties...she held the plate all the time waiting for the right moment...bile I tanye "adik nak cake x?" die terus grab smarties kat kek tuh...habis sume die pulun. So, her birthday in June, I kene carik cake with full of smarties...hehehe

On my weight loss date I managed to reduce 4kg since last weight. Hmm..improvement..still trying to reduce but I can see myself in size L or M!!! When your weight has improved, automatically your self confidence comes in. :)

What recently I've found my new passion. But, I'll keep that to myself first. Dun worry, will update.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Weight Loss - update

Just nak update on my weight loss journey. Last Friday, I was about to wear jeans to office. So, I amikla jeans yg I mmg dah pakai weekend before that. Yela, we don't basuh jeans everytime pakai kan. So, masa nak sarung tuh suddenly I tgk soo gelebeh especially dekat paha and pinggang plak mmg dah melorotla. Pakai belt pon nampak xkemas cause gelebeh kat tepi paha. So, end up pakai baju kurung je...hahaha...

Take note my jeans is 32. Same size with MD. So, I dah bgtau MD yg he will get the jeans back bile I move to smaller size.hehehe...

I think the reason because I have been off Teh Tarik for 2 weeks and I also mmg cut half my rice during lunch hour. At night mmg I amik HL and make sure I minum tea Mix 6 litre every day OK??? So, that's fair enoughla kan to give the result. Hopefully my static weight of 59kg will move end of this week.

Monday yang sungguh blues...

Hari nie monday blues...hahaha..biasela kan..

We are supposed to go for our vacation this weekend but has to be postponed end of the year as our maid nak cuti for 2 months so might as well we reserved our vacation at that time kan. Sedey pon ade cause dah prepared since last year and tempat yg we all nak pegi nie mmg I've been dreaming off since early marriage. So, sebagai ganti we will have 2 vacations back to back..hahaha. The good point is that Myra will be a six months at least at that point of time she will appreciate the vacation more.

Semalam pegi layan Alice in Wonderland with MD kat Pavillion. Left the kids at home. Siap cakapla nak pergi kene kuar awal2 la kan walaupon show was at 12pm!!! Kakak siap mushkil work pakai jeans tapi I teros ckp kat die "Kakak buat homework ok..mama and daddy pegi work..nnt mama balik mama sign" yeye jela dia angguk...kesian pon ade. Since we have booked the show terpaksela tinggal kalau tak aku dah hangkut dah 2 org tuh naik keter. Tgkla this weekend nak bwk diorg pegi tgk deco AIW kat midvalley.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The journey begins....

I don't know why I'm writing this...normally I suke baca blog orang...kalau blog org diet...terasa begitu berkobar2 nak menguruskan housewife..terasa nak benti keje jadik housewife. But something that I've read in the blog yg menyebabkan I suddenly nak start create a blog and start to write. Reason??? Someday, if I takde di dunia nie...I have this blog for my children to read and know who I am, how I love them very much and also all the things that had happened through out my journey. Sekarang, diorg mungkin kecik lagik utk tahu semua ini...but someday hope they will read this.

I also would like to share my journey to weigh loss program....ntah jadik ke idak...hopefully I berjaya mencapai berat yg diidamkan...heheheh...