
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blogging again???


After setahun lebey barula I jenguk this blog balik...hahaha...cepatnyer masa berlalu. OK taknak cerita panjang2 now our family dah bertambah sorang lagik and its a boy. Born on 25th June 2011 (khadeeja was on 28th June). Putera yang dinanti2kan. Muadz Imran Mohd Khairi. hehe. Well I did made a wish masa kat depan Kaabah 2 years ago that Allah grant us a son and Alhamdulillah it happened. And now he is 3 and 1/2 months old and I'm still breasfeeding him exclusively. To date I have stored 100+ EBM for him. Learnt as lesson during Khadeeja's time where I only managed to breastfed her up to 4 months due to lack of knowledge.

Actually now I on MC for 2 weeks. Why??? I ada backpain. It happened last Saturday masa nak siap2 ke SJMC untuk cucuk Muadz. When I nak angkat Muadz from the bed suddenly zappp kat belakang I. So sakit I can't even walk. I menangis time tu and MD suggest to go to hospital. So we called SJMC and booked time with Dr Lim Boon Peng. So dengan takde maidnye and I was so in pain all of us masuk dalam kereta and shoot to SJMC. To catch there before 1 pm as Saturday they opened until 1 pm only. So MD drove until the passenger area and I keluar myself and asked the guard to wheel me to 7th floor. Have to be on my ownla kan since MD akan park kereta and to handle kids lagik. So after 2 hours baru dapat jumpa Dr and he was testing on me whether I kene slip disc or not. Luckily it was just muscle stress ja and he was giving me 2 weeks of MC to recover. Since I'm breastfeeding, the dr could not give any medicine except pain killers and gel and plaster to apply on the pain area.

So here I am reason why I'm blogging again. Actually I dah recover sikit2. Dah boleh berjalan and cuma ade certain position je yg I akan rasa sakit. But still I xbule dukung little Muadz sambil berdiri kecuali duduk. Still rasa trauma and takut same thing happen. And little Muadz pon dah 6.5kg ok. OKla..penat juga menaip nie...till then see ya...