
Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Passion

Yess...that is the topic for today.

I've been thinking for quite sometimes. I want to explore the other side of me. Well, means other than this current job, I need to give some space to myself to learn about something else. That's when I decided to join chocolate's class. It may not be the only class I would join, there are other things that I want to learn and explore.

So, it started on 17th April, I went to Bukit Jelutong to learn about chocolates. Rase naif giler masa tu. Ape couverter, compound, ganache tuh..ape tamper..mold and all sort of vocabs yg nak kena ingat. So, bile balik tuh I tunjuk to my kids, diorg excited gile expecially kakak. Unfortunately, I pegi class tuh after kakak's birthday, kalau tak boleh jugak I buat something homemade utk dihantar to her school.

So, on the next week, I carik barang2 dulu, cukopkan sume stock then baru bule start. So, on 2 of may is my first on trial. I decided to buat fashionista set sbb kakak and adik sure suke kaler2 tuh kan. Really menguji kesabaran tapi I did enjoyed myself. Habis jugakla chocolates tuh dimakan oleh kakak and adik. For the past few days, I dok memborong barang2 chocolate je...dari emulco, flavor, kotak2 etc. I aim nak buat something special for my mom for mother's day this Sunday. I plan nak buat couverter chocolate (chocolate grade A). Nanti I post the pictures.

So, as for now, enjoy the pictures kay: